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Box Options: The monthly box options are released on the 1st of each month. We will send you an email to remind you to login and place your box order.

Order Deadline:   The 5th day of every month is the order deadline and last day to choose your box. 


Farm Pick Up: Anytime after the 2nd Saturday of the Month. You`ll find your box in a self serve freezer outside of the shop. 


Comox Valley Deliveries:  2nd Saturday of every month. 8:00am - 12:00pm


Courtenay Pick Up Location:  2nd Saturday of every month. 11:30am - 12pm Driftwood Mall Parking lot by Canadian Tire


Campbell River Pick Up Location:  2nd Sunday of every month. 4:00pm - 4:15pm in the parking lot near the playground of Ostler Park.


Campbell River Deliveries:  2nd Sunday of the month. 1:00pm - 3:00pm



* * Please ensure you have a cooler outside if you are not home. * *


Farm Pickup Location

Farm Pickup Spot

We are located at 7521 Sturgess Rd. Over the bridge and the end on the right. Stay right on the driveway up to
the freezer.

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